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NVE Pure Ephedrene Reviews

(28 customer reviews)
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  1.  Pure Ephedrene
    I just started taking pure Ephedrene yesterday. They say it is almost like the Ephedrene HCL. How can I make it exactly the same? When you say take asprin, what type of asprin do you mean? How long should it be before I see some results? Does anyone know if this stuff is stronger than Stimerex? I didn't miss this product befoe the ban because I didn't know about it. You definitely can't get it here in the UK, I have to get it sent to me. Thanks for your response.
    Reviewer: Miff from UK on July 29, 2006

  1.  Best weight loss supplement ever!!
    Ephedra helped me loose 20 pounds in three weeks...
    Reviewer: peter from North Carolina on May 03, 2006

  1.  Bring It Back
    I agree with Mat Pharmaceutical Companies not profitting, and Ron It's been good for me. I used Ephedra and directed and never had any problems. I know alot of other people that feel the same
    Reviewer: Jamie from Conn on March 17, 2006

  1.  ephedra Ban
    The ban was only lifted in utah and its still restricted to 25mg of ephedra per capsul.. i Just ordered a product claiming to contain ephedra online and hopefully it will work i never tried the stacker 2's with ephedra i did try the stacker 3 ephedra free with chitosan and all i have to say is PURE CRAP!!! dont waste your money
    Reviewer: Ephedra Free Sucks from NY USA on September 15, 2005

  1.  bring it on
    for sale again when are you bringing it back. hurry up. good for my workouts
    Reviewer: eddye from az on September 11, 2005

  1.  Why?
    Why is it taking so long to bring it back? Will it ever come back?
    Reviewer: spanky from Las Vegas on July 31, 2005

  1.  I'm glad it's back...but hard to find
    I started taking Stacker 3 before the ban. I lost about 25lbs, and needed to drop about 25 more. Than the unthinkable, a ban! Well I gained it all back and then some. I tried other stuff. It was expensive and worthless. I also tried Vasopro, which did kinda work but it has some nasty side effects that pure ephedrene doesn't have. My face broke out something terrible, my sex drive was gone and I was jittery and moody. In my opinion it acts just like a steriod. When the ban was lifted I was so happy. I went on the net and immediatly ordered a bunch. I do stack this with the 'ephedra free' Stacker 3, it is really cheap on ebay. I started back taking one stack a day and then moved into two over time for a kick start. now I'm back to just one. I also do watch what I eat and I drink tons of water. Which in my opinion is the key. I've lost the 25lbs again and I'm back where I left off, feeling and looking great. I almost forgot...for all of you ladies out there...I have had a terrible time with my 'monthly' since I hit my late 20's, extremely painful cramps, bloating, mood swings, excessive bleeding, 7 days plus. I found that a wonderful side effect of this product is that it went back to how it was when I was young, very rare cramps, everything else back to normal and cut the time back to 3-4 days. I'm almost out now and looking for more. I went back on the net and have had a hard time finding any at a reasonable price, lots of gouging going on. I will spend the cash if I have to, it is soooo worth it! I hope it becomes more available soon.
    Reviewer: Rene' from AZ on July 30, 2005

  1.  Get this available NOW!!!
    I used this product for three years and ONLY HAD GREAT RESULTS!!! Now that the idiot polititians have lifted the ban get it back immediately!!!
    Reviewer: david treese from phoenix on July 20, 2005

  1.  banned or not?
    It's seems hard to find out much info on the ban lift for this product...a friend has several bottles that he stopped selling when the ban began and now is unsure of if the ban is lifted nationwide, only in certain states or what? Any info or directions to more info is appreciated!
    Reviewer: jay from ohio on June 23, 2005

  1.  Hands down Ephedren works to lose weight!
    Hey, Ephehdren works ...nuff said. Put this in any almost any product and you have a diet pill. Some better than others but all still work. Just be smart in using this and you can lose weight. Ephedrene Stomps all other non-ephedrene diet pills.
    Reviewer: Herm. from PA on June 01, 2005

  1.  It's been Good for me
    For 2 years I took 1 ethedra when I got up in the morning before work and by the time I got out of the shower I felt like superman, lots of energy and confidence as well as being very clear minded. This 1 pill energized me the entire day at work. I would also take 1 before my soccer games, which I played at least 5 days a week, It seem to allow my lungs to open up an take in large amounts of oxygen so I could run straight for 90 minutes and feel amazing while doing it, I was in the best conditioning of my life, and I have been highly competitve my entire life in all sports. I have never had any side effects except maybe being a little extra energized after having a few large coffees. I have not had any ethdra in the last couple of years but I plan on getting some for this years Soccer season. Just like alot of things in life, I believe ethedra can be good for you as long as you take it in moderation.
    Reviewer: Ron King from Canada on May 22, 2005

  1.  WTF
    Best on the market - naturally it's been discontinued
    Reviewer: Jim from ohio on May 03, 2005

  1.  Pure Magic!!!
    These pills work wonders, energy plus!! Since the ban I have gained 20 pounds.My energy level has really dropped. Please let me know when I can start buying these since the ban has been lifted. If I cant get them in Illinois let me know what state it is legal in.I will get them somehow.
    Reviewer: LS from Peoria IL on April 24, 2005

  1.  Ephedra Ban Lifted :)
    Reading others reviews and I too am so happy the ban has been lifted !! Never had any bad side effects. This is an excellent weight loss aid. Can't wait to buy it again!! To all the anti-ephdra people - anything that is abused or used incorrectly will have bad side effects. The ephdra ban lift was the best news I saw all week.
    Reviewer: Stephanie from Indiana on April 17, 2005

  1.  Selling soon?
    OK, the ban is lifted, we know there are quantities out there in storage somewhere. Whoever sells first will stand to make a mint! Bring it on boys!
    Reviewer: No longer a criminal from CA on April 15, 2005

    I don't even know how to put into words how happy I am!!! This is the only stuff that made me lose weight and not feel awful!! The courts said that the FDA did not meet the burden of proof, and the ban is lifted, JUST IN TIME FOR SUMMER!!!!! Please, Please, Please let us purchase again soon!!!!
    Reviewer: Casey from Louisiana on April 14, 2005

  1.  Ephedrine Plus
    Ephedrine Plus Ephedrine HCL 25 mg----Bronchodilator Guaifenesin 200 mg---- Expectotant Marketted by DMD Pharmaceuticals Sold at a Truck Stop near you!!! Just add coffee and asprin and you are set. Best of luck. We all know when the gov't can get a piece of the pie they arrest the pie maker.
    Reviewer: DEM from ATL, GA on April 06, 2005

  1.  What is all this rage about?
    I did a keyword search for "stacker 2" in Yahoo and found a site listed in the number 1 position that still has it in limited quantities. At least someone still cares for us.
    Reviewer: Peter from Canada on February 15, 2005

  1.  Might be hope after all
    I was totally upset about the ban on ephedra. Out of all the dietary supplements I've tried this ingredient proved to work extremely well taking me from a size 9 to a size 3 in 3 months, while others on the other hand just gave me unwanted side-effects and no results. I was determined to find some on the internet to buy. Ephedra was only banned in Dietary supplements not as a bronchodialator, if you can find it listed as this on the internet it's easy to buy and make your own ECA stack. I've tried it this way and it's helped me get right back to where I was in a size 3. There are tons of internet sites that will give you the proper ratio to make a healthy ECA stack. Hope info this helps some of you, like it did for me!
    Reviewer: Rachel Jensen from Ogden, UT USA on November 17, 2004

  1.  A excellent supplement
    There was not one day that went by that I wasn't miserable with the way I looked in the mirror. I tried every expensive diet in the market. They never worked. When I started taking some ephedra like 3-4 a day with exercised, I was surprised at how great I looked. My confidence went sky high. You see I am one of those unfortunate people with a slow metabolism. With crack- heads that do not know how to use this supplement, and the FDA banning ephedra, I am miserable again.
    Reviewer: Nicki from Tempe, AZ on September 26, 2004

  1.  Bring it back!
    Being female in my 30's, my metabolism slowed way down and my cholesterol was 264! I had a motorcycle crash five years ago and was laid up for 5 months, and I gained weight even though I was exercising. Since I started taking Pure Ephedrene last year, my metabolism is "working" along with exercise, my cholesterol has gone down significantly and I've lost 30 pounds. I went from a size 10-12 to a size 3-4. Now it's banned and I'm down to my last bottle and I'm looking for an alternative? From what I understand, there is no significant PROOF that ephedrene, ephedra, whatever caused that baseball players death, or others, SO WHY BAN IT??? BRING IT BACK!!!!!
    Reviewer: Becky from Mesa, Arizona on September 20, 2004

  1.  great pill
    I usually take 1 pill a day, which is all I need to get me moving all day. I have so much energy throughout the day, the only bad thing is that it is only sold in a package of 6 pills only. It's great and inexpensive and best of all I have the energy to do my workouts.
    Reviewer: teresa from IN on August 23, 2004

    Ok I know ephedra has been banned. But......maybe not for long! It's true. The guy who did the autopsy report on the Baltimore baseball player never found proof of the death being caused from ephedra. The baseball player was overweight, had high choelesterol and heart problems. So they had a second opinion done and it was negative!!! In fact the first doc who did the autopsy was the same guy who did the OJ Simpson case. So then they looked real close at the other so called "ephedra deaths" and they cant find absolut proof either. Now a huge pharmacutical company (stacker2's maker) filed a federal court law suit against the FDA for 18 million is lost revenue. In the federal law books it states that the FDA must furnish proof, beyond doubt, that a substance is harmful or deadly. This is something the FDA just doesnt have. Awww boo hoo. So now the pot has been stirred about bringing it back. Which is easier said then done. But.....its possible, and with its popularity.....probable. So I say sue em, bring the shit back, and lets get pumped once again!
    Reviewer: Rick Slaughter from Seattle, WA on June 10, 2004

  1.  I could breath
    This product actually works for breathing - the initial use of the product is for asthmatic people - obviously because it works they have now banned it - blamming it on the missuse of the product - why haven't they banned ritalin? or "downers". Now I have to use the DANGEROUS inhalers and feel like crap again.
    Reviewer: Heidi from Minnesota USA on April 19, 2004

  1.  where can i get more???
    This is a great product and it's very cheap too.. Does nicemuscle plan on getting any more in stock?
    Reviewer: John from USA on March 21, 2004

  1.  UMM YAH OMG!!!
    This is a great product and by far the cheapest on the net. Mix it with their Prolab Caffeine and you have a good stack! Cheapest site on the net and I will continue to use them for a long time! Thanks Guys!!!
    Reviewer: Justin from MI, USA on March 05, 2004

  1.  Holy Cow! - pPure energy that's inexpensive!
    This product is freakin insane baby! I take one tablet daily, and I am soooooooo pupmed for my workouts! My stomach is shrinking (as well as becomeing defined) and I am lifting so mucn more than I was without it - it is so freaking cheap compared to other epehdra products! Be aware, as my heart rate has increased significantly, and I sweat a lot more, but just drink more water, and you'll excell with this!
    Reviewer: Josh Gehrke from Pocatello, ID USA on February 29, 2004

  1.  Fuckin magic
    Get me wired consistently and its not far off doing lines. Occasional heart palpatations and tingling in the left arm, but my bench is up 25% with the gut shrinking rapidly..
    Reviewer: Stuart Pascal from San Francisco, CA USA on February 03, 2004


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