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Norwegian Cod Liver Oil

Everything > Vitamins and Minerals > Vitamin A > TwinLab Norwegian Cod Liver Oil

Supplement Brand: TwinLab
Norwegian Cod Liver Oil
Norwegian Cod Liver Oil Information
Cod Liver Oil consist of omega 3 fatty acids that may help with high blood pressure, heart disease, arthritis, breast cancer, psoriasis, eczema, weight loss, multiple sclerosis, brain function, PMS, and can be used with any nutritional program. Dale Alexander Norwegian Cod Liver Oil is a rich and most economical source of the biologically active Omega-3 class fatty acids EPA (Eicosapentaenoic Acid) and DHA (Docosahexaenoic Acid).
Dale Alexander, the inter-nationally known authority on cod liver oil, has been lecturing about the nutritive benefits of cod liver oil for over 30 years. He has authored many highly acclaimed books on health and nutrition.

Norwegian Cod Liver Oil Ingredients
Vitamin A (cod liver oil) - 1250iu - 25%,
Vitamin D (cod liver oil) - 132 iu. - 33%, EPA - 33mg - 41mg,
DHA - 34mg - 42mg.
Vitamin A (cod liver oil) - 3750 iu - 75%,
Vitamin D (cod liver oil) - 396iu - 99%,
EPA - 99mg - 123mg,
DHA - 102mg - 126mg.
[% U S RDA]

Norwegian Cod Liver Oil Suggested Usage
As a dietary food supplement, 1-6 softgels daily, preferably with meals.

Norwegian Cod Liver Oil Recommended Daily Allowance
Vitamin A (cod liver oil) - 1250iu - 25%,
Vitamin D (cod liver oil) - 132 iu. - 33%, EPA - 33mg - 41mg,
DHA - 34mg - 42mg.
Vitamin A (cod liver oil) - 3750 iu - 75%,
Vitamin D (cod liver oil) - 396iu - 99%,
EPA - 99mg - 123mg,
DHA - 102mg - 126mg.
[% U. S. RDA].

Norwegian Cod Liver Oil Does Not Contain
Preservatives, Sugar, Starch, Artificial Colors, Flavors.

Norwegian Cod Liver Oil

*These statements about Norwegian Cod Liver Oil have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Norwegian Cod Liver Oil is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
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