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Piranha Energy Drink

Everything > Fat Loss > Energy Drinks > EAS Piranha Energy Drink

Supplement Brand: EAS
Piranha Energy Drink
Piranha Energy Drink Information
This isn't the juice-box mom gave you in grade school. This is Liquid Energy. EAS gives you this ultra energizing, great tasting drink! Bite back with this high-intensity taurine energy blend!

Piranha Energy Drink Ingredients
Carbonated filtered reverse osmosis water, sugar, caffeine, taurine, naringin, green tea leaf extract, zhi-shi extract, guarana seeds, natural and artificial flavors, citric acid, malic acid, calcium disodiumpotassium sorbate, yellow #5 and blue #1.

Piranha Energy Drink Suggested Usage
Drink when an energy surge is needed!

Piranha Energy Drink

*These statements about Piranha Energy Drink have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Piranha Energy Drink is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

We've discontinued Piranha Energy Drink and we no longer have it in stock.

Piranha Energy Drink Reviews

Write a Piranha Energy Drink review and share your thoughts with fellow athletes.
  1.  piranha saved my marriage
    my husband is a hard working fellow who has worked at a meat packing factory for 25 years. everyday he would come home from work exhausted and have absolutely no energy and would fall asleep on the couch watching elimidate by 8 o'clock. one day at my favorite GO (grocery outlet) i stummbled across your fabulous phunky fruit punch flavored energy drink. at the price of 4 for a dollar i could not resist? the next day i packed a can in my husbands lunch. that evening he came home and told be the delious fruit blend had kept him going all day and he felt better than he had in years. not only does piranha have a great fruit flavor but it keeps you going and alert and just brightens your day overall! now me and my husband cook dinner together and have quality family time. thank you piranha!!!!!!!
    Reviewer: Amy Kentington from Seattle, WA on August 16, 2006

  1.  ORGASMIC, Nectar from the gods
    This energy drink is the most amazing drink I have ever tasted, as soon as the sweet phunky flavor caressed my taste buds, my bloodstream was pumped full of non stop energy, I was bouncing off the wall and lifted up my dog over my head, it is like speed X10. Piranha must have been made from the tears of the great god shiva, because it has done me good, and improved my self confidence
    Reviewer: brendan Kramer from Seattle, WA, USA on August 16, 2006

  1.  The best tasting energy drink out there....
    Granted, it is lower priced. But that doesn't count for the "punch" I need when taking it. This drink tasts better than any other out there and works just as well.... Forget "bull blasters" do a "Piranha Bite"!(Wait! I should've trademarked that slogan!) Too bad I can't find a store that stocks it around here! BOOOO Seattle! In Denver it runs in the streets!
    Reviewer: Geof Whitehead from Seattle. WA on July 05, 2006

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